White Leather

Modern Smooth – High Back Sofa

Modern Smooth – High Back Sofa 150 150

Modern Smooth – High Back Sofa

Modern Smooth – High Back Sofa 150 150

Queen – Tufted Loveseat w/ Diamond Studs

Queen – Tufted Loveseat w/ Diamond Studs 150 150

Tufted – Square Ottoman – Small Smooth

Tufted – Square Ottoman – Small Smooth 150 150

Tufted – Square Ottoman – Tufted – Large (48″ square)

Tufted – Square Ottoman – Tufted – Large (48″ square) 150 150

Modern Smooth – High Back Corner

Modern Smooth – High Back Corner 150 150

Tufted – Ultra High Back Modern Sofa w/ Crystal Studs

Tufted – Ultra High Back Modern Sofa w/ Crystal Studs 150 150

Tufted – Chase Lounge w/Crystal Tufted Stud

Tufted – Chase Lounge w/Crystal Tufted Stud 150 150

Queen – Tufted Sofa w/ Diamond Studs

Queen – Tufted Sofa w/ Diamond Studs 150 150

Tufted – Round Island – (3 Piece) Center Crystal Studs

Tufted – Round Island – (3 Piece) Center Crystal Studs 150 150

Simple Celebrations

Our customers range from event planners to area businesses to individuals planning events. We invite you to visit our warehouse to see our awesome showroom.

12345 Avenue Road
Dallas, TX 75123, USA

(214) 123-4567